Friday 13 May 2016

In Caterpillar Class this week we have been making our own leaflets full of information about the school. Firstly, we made a map of the outside area, noting down all the important parts to include in our leaflet. We also made a list of all the important things we would need to include in our leaflet. Our leaflets were full of information, labels and colourful pictures.

In Maths, we have been looking at solving worded problems. We have been using multiplication and division to work out the answers to our worded problems. We have tried really hard this week, and Miss Smith, Mrs Beck and Miss Carter were very proud of us this week. 

Wow! What a super week we've had in topic this week!
We have been super busy looking at different artists and looking at their work. We then used watercolours and paints to copy their work. We took our time and looked carefully at the pictures to make sure our paintings were amazing!

We also painted our clay pots. We used lots of different colours to make sure the pots were colourful and stood out! 

Here are some pictures of us in Topic!