Friday 27 May 2016

We've worked hard this week in Caterpillar Class!

In English we learnt all about speech marks and how to use them. We watched a video a the beginning of the week, and then at the end of the week, we retold the story of the video using speech marks. 

In Maths, we have been learning all about measurements and capacity. We looked at jugs of water and had to find out how many millilitres each jug had in it. We even looked at their bottles of juice for lunchtimes to see how many millilitres they contained. 

In Topic, we learnt more about the artists Vincent Van Gogh and Monet. We also researched them in our Computing Lesson and found out lots of interesting information. We then painted our own picture of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. We were very careful, looking at the different brush strokes he had used. We also looked at Archimboldo's pictures and how he used vegetables to make faces. We then made our own faces using different vegetables. They looked great!

Friday 20 May 2016

Wow! We've had a super busy week in Caterpillar Class!

On Wednesday, we went on our school trip to Fairhaven Garden Centre! Luckily it didn't rain until we were getting on the coach to come back home. Whilst we were there, we made dens, made clay mini beasts and went on a bug hunt! We had lots of fun and really enjoyed our day!

In Topic, we then wrote about what we had done on our school trip and what our favourite part was!

In English, we have been looking at traditional rhymes. We learnt them and then added actions to perform. 

In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We then went on a hunt around the classroom and outside to find different shapes. 

Friday 13 May 2016

In Caterpillar Class this week we have been making our own leaflets full of information about the school. Firstly, we made a map of the outside area, noting down all the important parts to include in our leaflet. We also made a list of all the important things we would need to include in our leaflet. Our leaflets were full of information, labels and colourful pictures.

In Maths, we have been looking at solving worded problems. We have been using multiplication and division to work out the answers to our worded problems. We have tried really hard this week, and Miss Smith, Mrs Beck and Miss Carter were very proud of us this week. 

Wow! What a super week we've had in topic this week!
We have been super busy looking at different artists and looking at their work. We then used watercolours and paints to copy their work. We took our time and looked carefully at the pictures to make sure our paintings were amazing!

We also painted our clay pots. We used lots of different colours to make sure the pots were colourful and stood out! 

Here are some pictures of us in Topic!

Friday 6 May 2016

Wow! What a super week Caterpillar Class have had!

In English, we wrote our very own seed packets! First we wrote a list of all the information you would need on a seed packet. Then we used that list to write out our very own seed packet. We even wrote how much the seed packet cost and drew a barcode!

In Maths, we have been looking at how to add one and two digit numbers together using number lines and 100 squares. When adding a tens number, we looked at jumping down on a 100 square. 
We even tried adding two two digit numbers together using a 100 square. 
When using a 100 square, we looked at partitioning the numbers. For example, when working out 
40 + 17; we would partition 17 into 10 and 7. We would then add on the 10, then add on the 7.

We've had a super busy week in topic! 
We learnt all about the different climates around the world; we looked at Tropical, Temperate, and Mediterranean. We then looked at different gardens within the different climates and looked at how different they are compared to gardens in England. 
We have still been looking at plants, and we looked at the plants we planted last week. Some of them have started growing very well. 

We looked at our greenhouses as well!

We also made a clay pot, rolling out the clay and placing them on top of each other to make the pot shape.