Monday 13 July 2015


In topic we have been learning about the Seaside and how to stay safe.

Slip     on a t shirt
Slap    on a sunhat
Slop    on some sun cream

We made our own stay safe in the sea posters and watched a clip about the coastguard.

In Literacy we read the story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and made our own list of ingredients for a picnic and what we would put in the sandwiches to trick the seagulls.

During topic afternoons we made our own lighthouses and tried some mustard.

We had a fantastic trip to the Sea life centre and then went to the beach where we had an ice cream and played in the sand with a bucket and spade before returning to school.


In PE we have been busy practicing for our sports day. We have been using the egg and spoon, balls, bean bags and hula hoops.