Friday 18 December 2015

Wow! Caterpillar Class have had a very busy week! 

In English we have been looking at traditional Christmas poetry and acting them out.
In Maths we have been looking at hundred squares, trying to find the numbers as quick as possible, and learning 10 more!

On Monday, we had our Caterpillar Class Assembly. We sang Merry Christmas Everyone and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We were super!!
Caterpillar Class would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!! 

Friday 11 December 2015

We've had a lovely week in Caterpillar Class this week. 
In English, we have been writing a letter to say Thank You. We had to remember to make sure our letter made sense and that it looked neat! 
We also looked at different emotions, and thought about what makes us feel sad, happy, angry, excited ect. We had lots of fun acting out the different emotions!

In Maths we have been looking at halving and doubling numbers. We played games and used cubes to help us remember. 

The whole school watched the Cinderella Pantomine on Wednesday afternoon as a special treat! It was really good and very funny!

In Topic, we talked about why we send Christmas cards. There were lots of different thoughts, and we were very good at taking it in turns and listening to one another.

Monday 7 December 2015

We read the story 'A Little Bit of Winter' this week in English. After reading the story, we talked about the hedgehog and rabbits friendship and why the rabbit was upset. In Philosophy, we talked about what it meant to be a good friend and gave each other compliments. 

In Maths, we have been looking at money. We had to decide which coins were best to use to make different amounts. We then went shopping and had to add different items together! We worked really hard at this!


In Computing, we looked up information about snow. We read the information and then played quizzes to see how much we could remember!

In Topic, we looked at the difference between Australia and United Kingdom at Christmas Time. We looked at the food they ate and how they made sandmen instead of snowmen! (The sandmen looked very strange!)

Monday 30 November 2015

This week in English, we have been looking at non-fiction books. We looked at the contents page, the index page and the glossary. 
We also learnt what a contraction was! We learnt that it is much easier and much better to write 'I'm' instead of 'I am' and other words like this. For example, writing 'it's' instead of 'it is', 'didn't' instead of 'did not' and so on. 

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply two numbers. We used arrays to help us.

In Topic this week, we have been looking at snow. Miss Smith got us some fake snow to have look at!

We also looked at which materials would be good to make a house out of, to keep the animals warm and protected in Winter. Miss Smith brought her hairdryer in to test the houses against strong winds!

We laughed a lot when poor Squirrel got blown out of his house and across the room!

Friday 20 November 2015

We have been looking at Elmer this week in English. After reading the story, we completed a story board and then wrote out the story ourselves in our English books!! We enjoyed reading about Elmer playing tricks on his friends!

We've been super hard workers in Maths this week! We have been learning about halves and quarters. At the beginning of the week, we had to work out which numbers we could half and quarter and which numbers we couldn't. We then wrote number sentences showing which numbers could be halved or quartered and the answer.

This is us investigating!! 

We've been looking at liquids and solids in Topic this week. We looked at how we make ice, so we put some squash in some cups and put it in the freezer. It didn't take long to freeze!
We also looked at ice on the carpet. We put different materials onto the ice to see how quick the ice would melt! 

The ice was really really cold!!! 

We also had a treat on Friday morning, we had a visit from the Storyteller! He was very funny!

Monday 16 November 2015

We have been very busy and producing some super work in Caterpillar Class!!

In English, we have been reading and looking at the story 'Ridiculous'. We then wrote about the story and tried to retell the story. We had to remember our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

We have also been looking at silly words in Phonics, making sure we don't make them into real words! You can use Phonics Play at home to practice! Here's the link:

In Maths, we have been learning about number bonds. We have been thinking of 2 numbers that make another number, and writing them down in a number sentence.

In Topic, we have been learning about the water cycle. We had a go at making our own water cycle and made our own rain using a cup, shaving foam and blue food coloring! 
We also looked at the story 'Leaf Man' and made our own leaf men! We went outside and collected twigs, leaves and acorns!

We are trying to make rain using the shaving foam and blue food coloring!

Some of the Leaf Men we made!

We enjoyed collecting the leaves for our Leaf Man!!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

In English this week we have been writing simple sentences about pets and Halloween. We had to remember capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and to make sure the sentence makes sense!
We also acted out some poems!

In maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been learning all about how many face, corners and sides each shape has, 

In topic we have been learning about Space and about the first man to land on the moon; Neil Armstrong. 
We even dressed up as Astronauts!

We also built our own rockets!

Caterpillar Class have had lots of fun in topic this week learning about space!

Friday 16 October 2015

We have been very busy in Caterpillar class this week!

In English, we have been forming full sentences and using the connective 'and'. 

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We made 3D shapes out of art straws and built rockets and houses using 3D shapes. 

We have been very very busy in Topic! We have been learning about Transport and Space this week. 
We had a visit from Cohen's Dad to talk about his job as an aircraft engineer and some of us got to try on his pilots helmet!

We also had a visit from Buzz Light Year! And he gave us some spacedust!

Friday 2 October 2015

This week in English we have been remembering to use capital letters and to listen to rhymes in poems.
We also went on a train ride around the school to find out what we could see.

In Maths this week we have been learning to find one more or one less and finding the difference between two numbers.

We are now learning about Transport in Topic. We have been learning all about the Wright Brothers and their contribution to transport. We then made some aeroplanes out of pegs and lolly pop sticks!

Monday 28 September 2015

In maths this week we have been writing our numbers correctly and using pictures to solve problems.

We used playdough and finger painting to help form our numbers correctly!

In English we went on a bear hunt around the school with Miss Carter! We went past the playground, through the sensory garden and on the field!

We also wrote a letter to the bear in the cave on how to be a good friend. We reminded him to be friendly, to share his toys, and to be kind.

We have been very busy in topic this week!!

We started building a cave! We used a box, and then covered it in newspaper and masking tape to make a cave shape. We then had lots of messy fun using paper mache to cover it!

We also did an experiment to see which material would be best for a raincoat! We had to test it on Miss Smith's teddy to see which material was the best at keeping the teddy dry!

Monday 13 July 2015


In topic we have been learning about the Seaside and how to stay safe.

Slip     on a t shirt
Slap    on a sunhat
Slop    on some sun cream

We made our own stay safe in the sea posters and watched a clip about the coastguard.

In Literacy we read the story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and made our own list of ingredients for a picnic and what we would put in the sandwiches to trick the seagulls.

During topic afternoons we made our own lighthouses and tried some mustard.

We had a fantastic trip to the Sea life centre and then went to the beach where we had an ice cream and played in the sand with a bucket and spade before returning to school.


In PE we have been busy practicing for our sports day. We have been using the egg and spoon, balls, bean bags and hula hoops.