Friday 24 March 2017

This week in English Caterpillars have been watching The Coot Club. We then had ago at pretending to be Tom from the show and writing a recount of his adventures. We have also been writing postcards pretending we have been on a holiday to Norfolk and describing all the activities we could have been up to for example pond dipping, fishing, boat rides and bird watching.

In Maths we have been doing quizzes using subtraction, addition and place value.

In Topic we have been creating fact files about birds and insects that can be found on the broads. We also had ago at building birds nests.

Friday 10 March 2017

This week in English Caterpillars have been busy creating a postcard inspired by the book Meerkat Mail. We had to write all about Sunny the meerkat's trip to Northgate Primary School. We used lots of verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

In Maths we have looking at place value and number facts. 
e.g. When you add 2 odd numbers the answer will always be an even number.

In Topic we have been looking at the Norfolk Broads and pond habitats.We also looked at the life cycle of pond animals such as tadpoles and butterfly's.

Friday 3 March 2017

In English this week Caterpillars have been looking at Antony Browne books and his amazing illustrations.

Thursday was WORLD BOOK DAY! We all came to school in fancy dress as a character from a book, we all looked fantastic!

In Maths we have continued to look at length, mass and volume. We were able to measure different liquids and even measured our feet! We then went on to record and compare our findings using less than, more than and equals to (<  >  =).

In Topic we have been looking more at Norfolk. We have also planted bulbs into pots which we will be observing and recording how they grow over the next 6 weeks.