Friday 24 February 2017

This week in Maths Caterpillars have been looking at measurement and time.We used a variety of equipment such as rulers, jugs and syringes to investigate length, height and weight making sure we used the correct terminology such as centimeters,meters, liters, millimeters and grams. We have also been looking at half past, o'clock, quarter past and quarter to.

In English we have been looking at riddles,we also had a chance to come up with a few of our own.

This week we have started a new Topic looking at Norfolk. We have been using maps and globes and using vocabulary such as continent, country, county and town.

Friday 3 February 2017

This week in English we have looked at retrieving information from non-fiction books.We have looked at using adjectives to describe, expand and specify noun phrases and had ago at writing our own non chronological reports about school.

In Maths we have been using mathematical vocabulary to describe position,direction and movement of an object. We used vocabulary such as left, right, forward, backwards, whole turn, quarter turn, half turn, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

In Topic this week we got to paint our islands which we made last week, we even started to make houses and lighthouses to put on them.