Friday 25 November 2016

In English this week Caterpillars have been super busy writing recounts of recent events, making sure we use past tense and time connectives.

In Maths we have been looking at multiplication showing that multiplication of two numbers can be done in either order.
e.g. 3x7=21

We have been using cubes and arrays of dots to help us solve the multiplication problems.

In Topic we have been experimenting with butter, chocolate and popcorn looking at how they can change into different forms. We have also been looking at different materials and describing their properties such as being bendy or stretchy.

Friday 18 November 2016

In English this week caterpillars have been reading Elmer and David Mckee books; talking about the important parts of the stories and writing our own book reviews.

In Maths we have been finding fractions (1/2,1/4,1/3).We used a collection of objects such as apples, tomatoes, cubes and strips of paper to help us solve fraction problems.
e.g. 1/4 of 16= 4

In Topic we have been making fiery sky pictures using water colour paints and creating black building silhouettes to represent houses at night in the great fire of London. We have also been hunting around the classroom for objects made from different materials such as glass, plastic,wood and metal.

Friday 11 November 2016

We've been working super hard in English this week discussing how different people have different points of view and writing diary extracts from a person involved in the great fire of London.

In Maths we have been solving problems by recognising the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.


We have also been using number squares to help us add and subtract 2 digit numbers.

This week in Topic we are continuing to look at the great fire of London.We have been making Fire colour wheels using red and yellow paint, thinking about what colours you can see in fire. We have also been looking at a timeline of the great fire of London.

Friday 4 November 2016

This week in English we have been looking at nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We have also been writing our very own poems about fireworks using vocabulary like popping, roaring and spectacular. 

In Maths we have also been looking at place value and rounding to the nearest 10.We used the rounding rhyme to help us.
Round DOWN to the ten before
Round UP to the next ten on the number line.

Our new Topic is The great Fire of London! 
We have been exploring facts and watching videos of London before and after the fire.We also got to make our own firework pictures using wax crayons and water colours.