Friday 8 July 2016

We have been super stars in Caterpillar Class this week!

On Tuesday we had a very exciting day meeting our Year 2 Teachers and classes! Some of us will be staying in Caterpillar Class with Miss Smith, and some of us will be moving to Dragonflies with Mrs Heaffey, and Centipedes with Mrs Barker. We are really looking forward to Year 2 now!

In English, we read a story about a girl called Sophie who wrote a letter to her Dad as he was working on ships far away. After reading the story, we wrote a letter back to Sophie from Dad. We had to think about what Dad had been up to and what we could put in our letter. 
We also practiced our tricky words, making sure we could spell them correctly and then testing each other on them. 

In Maths, we had some quizzes to do to test our maths knowledge. We all tried our hardest and did the best we can!

In Topic, we looked at what was suitable to take on holiday to the seaside. We looked at how to stay safe on the beach and in the sea, and how to protect ourselves from the sun. 
We also looked at how the beach had changed over the years, for example, what was new, the different shops along the seafront and how differently people dressed for the beach. 

Friday 1 July 2016

We have been super busy this week in Caterpillar class! 

In English, we have been looking at market stalls and what they sell. We then had to write about our own market stall, persuading people to come and buy things from our stall! We had lots of great ideas, selling flowers, books, jewellery and pets!

In Maths, we have been adding two numbers together, breaking up the smaller number to help us. We also looked at adding 3 numbers together using our number bonds to 10 and 20 to help us. 

In Topic, we have been looking at Great Yarmouth Sea Front, and looking at all the different businesses there. We then designed and wrote our own postcard, pretending we were on holiday there. 
We also learnt about our different senses; taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. We then used our sense of smell to try and guess what different food was. It was hard!
We also used our sense of taste to try the different foods we could smell!