Friday 17 June 2016

In English this week, we have been reading a book all about a lighthouse keeper and how his lunch kept being eaten by seagulls. To make sure the seagulls stopped eating his lunch, they put mustard in his sandwiches! Through the week, we made a list of all the yummy food we would take on a picnic, and thought up disgusting food ideas of our own! 
At the end of the week, we wrote our own version of the story, changing the characters and food in the story. 

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers, looking at how they are different, which is more or less, and odd and even. We then used a blank number line and had to try to fill it in, using what we know about number lines. 
At the end of the week, we looked at the position of objects and movement, including half and quarter turns. 

In Topic, we have been super busy looking at who works at sea. We talked about the different jobs and why they are important. We also looked at a lighthouse keeper again, and what his job is. 

We then made our own lighthouses!

We also tried English and American mustard!

Most of us didn't like the English mustard! 

But we liked the American one!

Friday 10 June 2016

Wow! What an amazing week we've had in Caterpillar Class!

We've been trying super hard in English this week working on our fantasy story. We looked at the film 'Finding Nemo' to help us think of the setting, the characters and the adventure for our own story. We then wrote our own story, using a beginning, middle and end, with an adventure in the middle of the story. Miss Smith, Mrs Beck and Miss Carter were very impressed with how well we had worked!

We have also been trying hard in Maths, looking at place value in 2 digit numbers. We used a tens and units sheet to help us add and subtract numbers. We then looked at recognising place in value in different forms, such as number cards and using numicon. 

We have started our new topic this half term, which is the seaside! We discussed what we already know about the seaside and what we would like to find out. 
We also looked at floating and sinking. We tested out lots of differents objects in a tank of water, and discussed why they floated or sunk. We then made our own boats to test out!