Friday 18 March 2016

We've had a super busy week in Caterpillar class this week. 

In English, we learnt how to use verbs to give instructions. We then used this to write a recipe for Bogey Man Soup! 
In Topic, we made Bogey Man Soup. After making it, we learnt that its called Bogey Man soup because its a horrible green colour!! 

To make the soup we used leeks, potatoes, spinach, broccoli and milk. Some of us thought it was really yummy and some of us didn't like it at all!
We all helped to make it though!

We've worked super hard in Maths this week. We've been helping a farmer by thinking of different ways to group his animals on his farm in the fields. We then wrote the multiplication and division number sentences to show how they had been grouped! 

Friday 11 March 2016

Wow! Caterpillar Class have been working hard this week!

In English, we have been busy using lots of exciting adjectives to describe an alien. We then learnt about speech bubbles and used them to tell a story about Shaun the Sheep and an alien coming to his farm for a visit! 
We had a conversation about our favourite part of Shaun the Sheep and why, making sure we listened to our partner and took turns. 

We have been super busy in Maths, learning all about multiplication and division. 
To help with this, we have been grouping an amount of objects and then writing down what the multiplication and division number sentence is. For example, if we had a group of 12 objects, we could split them into 3 groups of 4, the number sentences; 
4 lots of 3 is equal to 12
3 lots of 4 is equal to 12
12 divided by 3 is equal to 4
12 divided by 4 is equal to 3

In topic, we looked at all the different food from around the world. We also looked at why the food comes from certain places, for example, certain foods can only be grown in hot countries.
We also looked at the journey of a banana, where they grow and how they come to England. We then tried some banana sandwiches! 

Friday 4 March 2016

In English, we have been looking at the book; Webster, the world's worst dog. We then had to write our own version of the story, using our names and a pet of our choosing instead. We had to re read our work carefully to make sure it made sense. 

In Maths, we have been using Base 10 to make different numbers. We then extended it to finding out the answers to different number sentences. 

In Topic, we have been busy trying lots of different foods that come from farm animals. For example, we tried yogurt, cheese and ham. We also tried making our own butter using double cream! It was hard working whisking and shaking the cream but it tasted yummy!

We also made fish out of plastic bottles. We covered the bottles in different colored tissue paper, and then stuck sequins on for fins and googly eyes.