Monday 30 November 2015

This week in English, we have been looking at non-fiction books. We looked at the contents page, the index page and the glossary. 
We also learnt what a contraction was! We learnt that it is much easier and much better to write 'I'm' instead of 'I am' and other words like this. For example, writing 'it's' instead of 'it is', 'didn't' instead of 'did not' and so on. 

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply two numbers. We used arrays to help us.

In Topic this week, we have been looking at snow. Miss Smith got us some fake snow to have look at!

We also looked at which materials would be good to make a house out of, to keep the animals warm and protected in Winter. Miss Smith brought her hairdryer in to test the houses against strong winds!

We laughed a lot when poor Squirrel got blown out of his house and across the room!

Friday 20 November 2015

We have been looking at Elmer this week in English. After reading the story, we completed a story board and then wrote out the story ourselves in our English books!! We enjoyed reading about Elmer playing tricks on his friends!

We've been super hard workers in Maths this week! We have been learning about halves and quarters. At the beginning of the week, we had to work out which numbers we could half and quarter and which numbers we couldn't. We then wrote number sentences showing which numbers could be halved or quartered and the answer.

This is us investigating!! 

We've been looking at liquids and solids in Topic this week. We looked at how we make ice, so we put some squash in some cups and put it in the freezer. It didn't take long to freeze!
We also looked at ice on the carpet. We put different materials onto the ice to see how quick the ice would melt! 

The ice was really really cold!!! 

We also had a treat on Friday morning, we had a visit from the Storyteller! He was very funny!

Monday 16 November 2015

We have been very busy and producing some super work in Caterpillar Class!!

In English, we have been reading and looking at the story 'Ridiculous'. We then wrote about the story and tried to retell the story. We had to remember our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

We have also been looking at silly words in Phonics, making sure we don't make them into real words! You can use Phonics Play at home to practice! Here's the link:

In Maths, we have been learning about number bonds. We have been thinking of 2 numbers that make another number, and writing them down in a number sentence.

In Topic, we have been learning about the water cycle. We had a go at making our own water cycle and made our own rain using a cup, shaving foam and blue food coloring! 
We also looked at the story 'Leaf Man' and made our own leaf men! We went outside and collected twigs, leaves and acorns!

We are trying to make rain using the shaving foam and blue food coloring!

Some of the Leaf Men we made!

We enjoyed collecting the leaves for our Leaf Man!!